Anita mui is coming to shanghai to have her concert on oct 12 , the venue will be shanghai tai mou tai 梅艳芳要来上海开个唱了,就在10月12日的上海大舞台!
Costumes for this [ share moment , share life - kodak anita mui shanghai tai mou tai concert ] is another big attraction 这次《 “分享此刻分享生活”柯达梅艳芳上海演唱会》上梅艳芳的演出服是又一大看点。
Anita mui is not eager to make more money , but just wants to [ share the moment , share life ] with all her fans at shanghai tai mou tai 梅艳芳不想多赚钱,只想能在上海大舞台与喜欢她的歌迷一起“分享此刻分享生活”了!
Those people are about 30 years old , they are all familiar with her songs , they would not miss the chance and wouldn ' t mind to spend some money to go tai mou tai re - live their youthful days 这些年龄在30来岁的青年才俊必定经受梅艳芳十数年的歌曲洗礼,花点钱去大舞台找回自己青春年少的感觉一定是他们梦寐以求的,又岂会错过呢?